The Bluecoats Book 4 – The Greenhorn
The Bluecoats Book 4 – The Greenhorn, by Raoul Cauvin & Willy Lambil, Cinebook MY INITIAL assumptions of The Bluecoats was that it would...
Orbital Book 5: Justice
Orbital Book 5: Justice, by Sylvain Runberg & Serge Pelle, Cinebook PREVIOUSLY THE Orbital series of books could be said to skirt around...
Orbital Book 4: Ravages
Orbital Book 4: Ravages, by Sylvain Runberg & Serge Pelle, Cinebook THE FOCUS of this concluding two-volume sci-fi series shifts away...
Orbital Book 3: Nomads
Orbital Book 3: Nomads, by Sylvain Runberg & Serge Pelle, Cinebook A SUFFICIENT time having passed between the original European graphic...
The Bellybuttons Book 3: The Bonds of Friendship
The Bellybuttons Book 3: The Bonds of Friendship, by Marc Delafontaine & Maryse Dubuc, Cinebook CREATED BY a Quebec-based married couple...
Darwin’s Diaries Book 3: Dual Nature
Darwin’s Diaries Book 3: Dual Nature, by Sylvain Runberg & Eduardo Ocana, Cinebook HORROR FICTION finds its place in uncertain times. I...
Darwin’s Diaries Book 2: Death of a Beast
Darwin’s Diaries Book 2: Death of a Beast, by Sylvain Runberg & Eduardo Ocana, Cinebook IT IS1860 and British class warfare is revealed...
Darwin’s Diaries Book 1: The Eye of the Celts
Darwin’s Diaries Book 1: The Eye of the Celts, by Sylvain Runberg & Eduardo Ocana IT IS 1860 and Great Britain’s prime minister has a...
Yoko Tsuno Book 8 – The Devil’s Organ
Yoko Tsuno Book 8 – The Devil’s Organ, by Roger Leloup, Cinebook A GIRL falls overboard on a boat travelling down the Rhine, and Yoko...
Yoko Tsuno Book 7 – The Curious Trio
Yoko Tsuno Book 7 – The Curious Trio, by Roger Leloup, Cinebook THE THING I find curious about this book is why Cinebook chose until now...