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Darwin’s Diaries Book 2: Death of a Beast

Darwin’s Diaries Book 2: Death of a Beast, by Sylvain Runberg & Eduardo Ocana, Cinebook

IT IS1860 and British class warfare is revealed to have several subdivisions and prejudices: a child is killed, and against all evidence neo-druids blamed, leading them to plot their own retribution invoking the Celtic spirits of old.

Against all this the new age of feminism raises its head proudly in the form of Suzanne Dickinson, but she harbours in her educational salon a lady of the night who’s aware of at least some of Charles Darwins’ darker side Whereas he himself now wonders, and perhaps hopes if there are others like him, out there in the wild...

Something of a mystery, using the ideas that Darwin sought to unravel natural history so he could understand his own werewolf like existence. So far, so intriguing...

For more about Darwin’s Diaries in English visit Cinebook.

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