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Fables: Animal Farm

Fables: Animal Farm, by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham Steve Leialoha, DC Comics/Vertigo

SNOW WHITE and Rose Red are trying to see if they can get along like they used to, back in the good old days. You know, the stuff of fairy tales. Well, Rose Red hasn't got much choice in the matter, she's about to do time up on Animal Farm where all the non-human folk live these days; some pigs whose house hasn't blown down, bears who live with a blond chick and the folk from the Jungle Book playing in the overgrown fields out past the little old lady who lived in a shoe...

Only there are political shenanigans taking place, an uprising waiting in the wings, and the two fairy tale princesses walk in on it all.

As with the first volume of this series there's a crime fiction element: someone gets turned into pork chops, and a thriller ensues as it becomes a case of seeing who can escape and warn the Fable folk of New York before the rebellion begins in earnest.

Buckingham's art is charming in his debut on the saga, Willingham enchants with his words as he pretty much always has (stretching back to The Elementals) and one becomes wrapped up caring about these strange folk who populate a collected comic book series.

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