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Lament of the Lost Moors Book 1: Siobhan

Lament of the Lost Moors Book 1: Siobhan by Jean DuFaux & Grzegorz Risinski, Cinebook

THORGAL FANS will be best pleased that Grzegorz Risinski is the artist responsible for yet another historical fantasy series now being published in the English language by Cinebook, and with a writer like Jean DuFaux whose own Crusade series has similarly been translated we appear to be on safe territory.

Though not defined, The land of Eruin Dulea appears to be set on some Irish island where a Viking ruling class endures but its older Celtic stock still prevails, if only in half-lost memory. Ruled by Bedlam, a powerful sorcerer, against whom a chieftain called Wulf lost his life in battle over a decade ago but now bestows protection on that man’s brother, Lord Blackmore.

Siobhan is Wulf’s daughter, and her mother is about to remarry, to her uncle, who if anyone is the one man we appear not to trust from the outset. That Siobhan is an expert swords-person and kills an emissary of Bedlam who attempts to force himself upon her means she is now wanted in more ways than one and must flee to safety, that some nameless old man has also landed upon the island seeking a chosen one who he believes to be her means fate’s web is weaving mischievously.

With a liberal dosing of Shakespearian pre-ordained tragedy and dark fantasy briefed in European legend, Dufaux’s penchant for being a little bit exploitive and Risinsk’s masterful draughtsmanship, there’s intrigue aplenty in this first book and if they can resolve some of those with the second, then Cinebook will have another hit book series on their hands.

For more information on Siobhan visit Cinebook.

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