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Pandora’s Box Volume 4: Greed

Pandora’s Box Volume 4: Greed, by Alcante & Juszezak, Cinebook

THE FLAVOUR of this series is quite consistent take one of the ancient plagues that were let out of the mythical box and see how it affects the modern world, more often than not the high-powered aspects of it. To that end taking the easy option, cheating on one’s best friend/lover and total corruption are the fulcrums by which the plots often twist; all to a bad end.

Hope rarely flies out to save the day in one of Alcante’s Pandora’s Box stories.

In Greed we have stock market genius John Midas, who loves only one thing more than making money and that’s his only daughter Goldie. It’s pre-determined that this relationship is going to turn bad, every reader knows that, it’s how it plays out that keeps us reading.

Goldie works for a co-operative bank assisting poor farmers in Brazil, while her father busies himself pretending to look one way and having the financial world follow his gaze, while in reality he’s up to, ahem, other things.

Truth to tell, the story doesn’t paint Midas as a cruel or selfish man, but the consequences of his actions and their eventual fallout are pretty much beyond measure.

As noted, you know this story is not going to end well, how bad surprised even a jade old soul like me. You’ll have to read it for yourself to find out what exactly happens.

Pandora’s Box may not be to everyone’s tastes as a series, yet there’s no denying Alcante researches his background subject matter well and works with more than able draughtsmen to commit his stories to print.

For more information on Pandora’s Box visit Cinebook.

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