Antares: Episode 3
Antares: Episode 3 by Leo, Cinebook
KEEPING TO the shoreline, Kim and her companions travel across Antares and slowly those she is with begin to reveal their personal foibles, intolerances, ignorance and – with the exception of the book series’ heroine – their various immaturities.
These range from Mark’s jealousies (as yet unwarranted) to Mai Lyn’s adolescent desires, and includes the two youths (who had smuggled their way on board the spacecraft) doing so spitefully. The only one who could be excused is Kim’s daughter Lyn (for swimming further out to sea than she should) and her fate seems the most extreme (you’ll have to read the book to find out why).
Something of a bridging story between major events, Episode 3 of this science fiction series has the usual Leo array of impossible wildlife creatures making appearances to be fought, eaten or simply background decoration, it’s not a book to come in unaware of past events, but for those faithful followers it should be enough to keep them going until more events presumably unravel with the next book.
For more information on Antares visit Cinebook.
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