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Yoko Tsuno  Book 5: The Dragon of Hong Kong

Yoko Tsuno Book 5: The Dragon of Hong Kong, by Roger Leloup, Cinebook

A BRISK all-ages adventure read this book. Young Yoko Tsuno comes from Japan but has family in China, so sails to Hong Kong to visit them.

Only she never does meet up with them, at least not in this volume. But when trouble starts brewing (quite literally from the ocean) she does call upon her extended family of friends for help, and, as the cover reveals, meets up with a little girl who ends up becoming part of her family.

The trouble? Well that’s on the cover and in the title too. There’s a dragon causing trouble in the waters off Hong Kong, a bit close for the authorities not to be getting involved but there you go, Yoko’s there to sort things out. Well, she would if one dragon didn’t become two.

This is like a Hanna-Barbera homage to Japanese monster movies with a tale of love and friendship bolted on the end. Complete hokum, but quite enjoyable in its own way, and while probably not radically cool no doubt great fun for the young readership it’s intended for.

For more information on Yoko Tsuno visit Cinebook.

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