Long John Silver Book III – The Emerald Maze
Long John Silver Book III – The Emerald Maze, by Xavier Dorison & Mathhieu Lauffray, Cinebook
AFTER A storm, Long John Silver’s pirated ship survives but to go ashore and find much needed provisions means circumventing unknown reefs and who knows what on land. Enter Mr Dantzig from his chains to steer them through rocks and the road to Guina-Capac.
Dry on land the rum comes out and the dance of death begins afresh; the taunting of some, and the defiance of others – namely Lady Vivian Hastings whose words form seductively in the minds of drunken pirates as they revel in her tale of gold and emeralds laden as far as the eye can stretch that was brought to the Emperor Viracochi as an offering and appeasement to the banished god Guina-Capac in the hope that he would turn back the tides of death... Enter her unloved husband Lord Hastings to the recitation and his seeking that lost treasure, and now this motley crew of infighting vagabonds follow his trail.
There’s a pox on everyone, even if they don’t know it: who can be trusted and how far?
In finding Lord Hastings’ abandoned vessel, a tale of high melodrama in low tides ensues and Long John Silver cannot help but consider he’s limping straight into the bowels of Hell!
For more about Long John Silver visit Cinebook.
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