Crusade Book 4 – The Fire Beaks
Crusade Book 4 – The Fire Beaks, By Jean Dufaux & Phillipe Xavier, Cinebook
WHAT'S BEEN a tale of war lead by deceivers and those who fear they’ve lost their way on both sides of this Crusade has had little to do with the bickering protocols of how you worship the same God and more to do with the world of fantasy swimming in the pools of romance. Nw more so than before in what appears to be, the last volume in the series.
Not realising this initially, the disparate parts coming together quickly had in parts a slightly rushed feel, but at others there was an inevitability forcing previous consequences to take the actions that result within the book.
Suffice to say that the Mufti of Alkar is not impressed that the Christian Princess Syria of Arcos is within the Sultan’s palace. Once he sees her he understands why Abdul Razim has fallen in love with her.
Like a game of chess, the characters we thought would be leaping across each and every page shield and sword in hand aren’t the ones who take centre stage as the climax draws near. Regardless, with such a large cast of potentially interesting characters that we’ve not got to know as in depth as we’d like, a longer drawn out saga would have resulted in a greater reading experience.
Despite that, here’s love, there’s lust and greed, power and a whole lot less fighting than you’d think... And there’s a double-edged sword in the concluding panels as it offers a glimpse of the problems we know the future holds.
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