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Crusade Book 3 – The Master of Machines

Crusade Book 3 – The Master of Machines, By Jean Dufaux & Phillipe Xavier, Cinebook

THE ARTISTIC influence of France’s Phillipe Druillet shifted across many a scene in the previous volume of Crusade, whereas in this book I’m reminded more of early Barry Smith, his 70s British contemporary then living in America, perhaps it’s because the story itself evokes Smith’s latter period on Conan.

Suffice to say, the heat burning down on sand and brick fortress, the exotic fragrances and salts of harbour seas, are additional senses that the reader may feel they experience during their visual one in reading this latest volume.

Despite its title, the book does not truly focus on the Master of Machines, but begins to pull together the various plot strands and weave new relationships between those characters that have appeared in this series.

Gauthier of Flanders' battle against the crypt hidden shadow monster known as the Aa plays across the length of the book, slow realisations of past events beginning to bear down upon the present, as a conclusion is reached there and a new pact appears to be forged.

This volume is pretty much one of deals and alliances made or forced, by individuals or groups, despite which the action quota remains high. An invigorating read, but you may need to start carrying a score card as new characters keep getting introduced and demanding their share of space on centre stage.

For more information on Crusade visit Cinebook.

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