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Graphic Novel Review... Lucky Luke & Doc Dockey's Elixer

Lucky Luke Book 38: Doc Doxey’s Elixer, by Morris, Cinebook

THIS IS an early book featuring the western comic strip character “who shoots faster than his own shadow" first published in the 1970s. Featuring a very nice painted cover, the running gags have yet to be established and the visual characterisations less well defined than they would become.

The book is split in two halves, the first features Doc Doxey and his partner trying to sell snake oil as the panacea of all ills, with Lucky Luke riding after him in the name of justice – However, the irony being Doxey actually half-believes his cures will one day work. By the second half Doxey has become a rapscallion through and through, and the ending’s quite savage compared to those books in the series we have since become more accustomed to.

For more information on Luck Luke books in English visit Cinebook.

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