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The Daltons Escape from Lucky Luke

Lucky Luke Book 30: The Daltons Escape, By Goscinny & Morris, Cinebook

RATHER A bland and dull coloured cover with the Dalton Gang adorned in prison gear; albeit that with each cousin bigger than the other it informs us that in the uniformity and predictability that lies behind any series of running gags it should escalate towards an ultimate pay-off punchline.

That’s the kind of plot direction we’ve come to expect with most Lucky Luke books, but this one takes the formula and plays with it, as there are more small events that run their course before the story takes off in a new direction of visual and verbal punning.

The Daltons escape gaol and that’s a cue for lots of ball and chain gags; we then get Luke accused and blamed for various misdeeds nearly resulting in him being hanged, then in a turnabout the Daltons capture him and force him to do their chores in the kind of absurd manner calls to mind classic Laurel and Hardy films.

More twists in directions happen before the eventual outcome, corny as some of them are with the passage of time, but the book’s such a light breezy fun read regardless.

For more information on Luck Luke books in English visit Cinebook.

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